…with gratitude for the emerging anti-aging paradigm

As 2024 is birthed, the Dharma wanderer’s gratitude arises for the emerging anti-aging longevity and healthspan paradigm. This new paradigm has the potential to strategically augment the medical industry’s paradigm for what is typically called “prevention”. Prevention within the standard medical model is based on early diagnosis and subsequent treatment that often has the potential for harmful iatrogenic effects from pharmaceuticals, radiation and surgery. A tectonic shift is looming, based on ground breaking research into cellular metabolism and the hallmarks of aging.

Many decades ago the alternative view to the standard medical paradigm was called holistic health, which included body, mind and spirit within its purview. That view has been transformed through definitive research into cellular metabolism, the human genome, and how the genes within our fixed DNA can be turned on and off. The levers for control of an organism’s fixed DNA are found within what is now called the epigenome. There is much pharmaceutical research underway to create molecules that will turn aging’s specific genes and metabolic pathways on or off. While this is driven by the biotech and pharmaceutical industry’s commercial intent, there are alternative levers already identified for enhanced epigenetic control. These include the strategically important arenas of exercise, diet and nutraceuticals.

Internet search engines can provide a wide variety of information sources about this epigenetic control. Some of this is based on current science, but there are also opinion makers with commercial intent who may provide misleading information that is based on opinion rather than solid or emerging science. This information can lead interested and curious beings to useful information for longevity and healthspan.

Longevity and healthspan will likely be frequent topics of interest during 2024. As baby boomers continue to age, their progeny are noticing the changes underway for their once vibrant parents. How to prevent chronic life style diseases and promote healthspan is moving toward the center of family radar screens.

The chart above illustrates the typical progression for a newborn from growth and maturity through peak performance and inevitably into continuous decline. The new emerging science-based paradigm indicates this slow inexorable decline is not inevitable. In fact, it can be delayed, mitigated and potentially reversed by specifically targeted interventions. This view is based on a massively accumulating research base investigating cellular metabolism for species of all types, including humans.

This substack teaser for a bountiful upcoming supply of actionable healthspan information deserves distribution in this now moment of the dharma wanderer’s awareness. He is off to the Monterey Marine Bay trail for walk-run intervals, after which he will carefully stretch all major muscle groups and enjoy a hot relaxing shower. For any who don’t already know, movement-based exercise is one of the fundamental requirements for extending longevity and healthspan.

May this new year of 2024 mark the beginning of personal science-based interventions to lengthen health spans across a wide spectrum of ages. There is more information for the dharma wanderer to share over the coming weeks and months. This will initially be selected from a detailed presentation slide deck to be delivered on Feb 8 in an invited address to a group of retired men. Beyond that, respected information sources are to be found, filtered and integrated into actionable guidance for extending healthspan.

The dharma wanderer is back in the information processing saddle, engaged with a content domain that is widely relevant for all who want to establish longer healthspan for themselves and those they care about.


