introducing the longevity and healthspan experts – Sinclair, Greger and Attia

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There are numerous experts in the longevity/healthspan field. Three of them stand out because of their best seller books and their digital media presence. They have each reported on a piece of the healthspan domain’s scientific research:

This trio of visible thought leaders in the healthspan space constitute a viable pyramid of base expertise from which interested individuals might formulate their own personal strategy to extend their longevity and healthspan.

We have forty-six chromosomes in the nucleus of almost all our cells, twenty-three each from our mother and father. These are wound up in the famous Nobel prize winning discovery of the human genome’s double helix discovery. Each person’s fixed unique genome is contained within these chromosomes. Be advised that we can’t change our genes, but we have the capacity for our genes to be turned on and off by what we ingest, as well as whether we exercise and how we do it.

The dharma wanderer’s view is that we can do most to all of the above through what we eat, the nutraceuticals we ingest, the exercise we do, how we cope to avoid toxic pollutants, and the ways we manage whatever stress we are under, especially through meditative relaxation and insightful mindfulness. This comprehensive view is in strategic alignment with the new anti-aging longevity and healthspan paradigm that has emerged in the last decade.

To reduce the likelihood and duration of your own personal suffering from illness and chronic disease, as this paradigm gains steam and cyber visibility, are you in the game or out of it?

The Journey continues…



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