R4B Mastery: Primordial Wisdom

Primordial Wisdom … methods for enhancing the knowing of when and what to do and be Photograph taken by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash This post clarifies the benefits of the R4B Method for accelerating progress toward each being’s most cherished goals and purpose. It offers a variety of methods for accelerating awareness of primordial wisdom […]

R4B Mastery: Reaching For Well-Being

Reaching for being … by challenging limiting beliefs and aligning with the dharma Photograph taken by Simon Berger on Unsplash This post introduces a strategic psycho-spiritual process for achieving well-being and presents specific practices for the twenty-first century that are aligned with the dharma. The nature of needs and wants that arise in awareness is […]

R4B Mastery: Body Mind and Spirit

Body Mind and Spirit … a BRIEF New Year’s Message for 2025 Photograph taken by Dave Hoefler on Unsplash Consider there is an awareness being who resides inside the skin sack called a body. This awareness being has a mind that directs the body’s behavior via the intentions that arise before actions are implemented. Beyond […]

R4B Mastery: Introducing Dharma Paradigm and Practices

Christmas decorations on wooden table.

R4B Mastery: Introducing Dharma Paradigm and Practices … a Christmas message Photograph taken by Annie Spratt on Unsplash The most recent previous post briefly clarified three stages of the R4B method and introduced a fourth stage: Mastery. The learning process in this fourth stage involves dharma practices that dissolve unnecessary attachments and negative emotions as they arise. […]

R4B Mastery: The View

"Sign displaying 'Start Reprogram Fresh' message."

…dissolving attachments, negative emotions and ignorance. The R4B Method is an adaptation of ancient spiritual disciplines blended with contemporary psychology. This powerful practice of meditative movement is explained in stages. In the beginning stage a goal, affirmation, mantra or prayer is carefully formulated, then silently repeated in rhythm with breath, in rhythm with movement. This may create internal […]

Hints, Clues, Signs, and Signals

Sunlight filtering through a forested road.

…bring opportunities for unexpected benefits This reflection includes 3 sections: 1 a brief discussion of mind and awareness; 2 clarification of how hints, clues, signs and signals can become messages in awareness for each life’s journey; and 3 real world examples of the dharma wanderer’s direct experience and benefits from taking action based on key […]

Extending Life’s Long-Term Journey

Feet standing on asphalt with directional arrows.

…using AI bots and information gathering for risk management CHOICES May this information be helpful for those who are healthy and want to improve their longevity and healthspan, as well those who are troubled with ill health and persistent symptoms. ib Consider the varied life sectors in the relative world that most beings have to […]

Belief, Meditation, Wisdom

Colorful swirling abstract design on black background.

…accelerating life journey’s unfolding into FLOW As the digital world moves faster, AI bots such as perplexity.ai provide accessible information that reveals sources for the bot’s response to a query. This information can bump up against dimly understood personal belief systems that have evolved over decades. Every sentient being is bound by unconscious habits and […]

Feet on the Ground, Head in the Clouds

Radiant light beams against a starry background.

…theory and practice for HEALING EMOTIONAL SCAR TISSUE Feet on the ground involves rational concerns about the relative world — that which can be seen, touched, tasted. How to practically do this or that, achieve this or that, solve this or that. This relies on the deterministic view derived from the Newtonian world of classical physics. It assumes time […]

Kindness, Compassion, Joy, Equanimity

Decorative sign spelling "JOY" with lights.

…theory and practice in reaching for the four immeasurable May readers be advised this post is longer than usual and might therefore best be digested in separate consumable bites. It begins with a brief discussion of meditative metaphysics, identifies the consequences of three aerobic affirmations, then clarifies details for a variety of meditative practices, including 1 progressive relaxation […]