Guidance for the Journey [updated]

Child walking on the beach, assisted by adult.

…via the step by step unfolding of intuitive wisdom An earlier version of this post was missing several links. This UPDATED version includes those links and other edits. As each sentient life unfolds amidst rapid change and uncertainty, how might a more optimum path be discerned? How might the many small and large decisions be […]

Touched by the Light

Dramatic light beam in a cave setting.

…explore its karmic consequences He was not yet a dharma wanderer when it happened, when that vertical beam of brilliant white light streamed down from the overcast sky onto the ferry dock at the Norwegian shore. The unexpected shock cast a beckoning spell from the mystery that would unfold, moment by moment, year by year, […]

Beyond the Rational

Mist-covered path lined with fallen apples.

…awakening to unseen dimensions As the dharma wanderer read once again his post Memories of Amy, he reflected on the uncertainty that each being faces as their life journey unfolds. There is such vast learning available for gleaning from the direct experience of life. There are new AI bots that use large language models gulping electrons of […]

Memories of Amy

Fluffy white dog lying on a cushion.

…dearly loved playmate and sentient being The fifteen year old four legged furry sentient princess with preferences passed yesterday, looking into the dharma wanderer’s eyes as he held her in his arms. Her suffering had been short but intense as the mast cell cancer spread rapidly throughout her small body. First came the anesthesia, then […]

Being in the Present Moment

Person standing on a rock facing mountains.

…brings temporary clarity for the journey Traveling at thirty thousand feet the dharma wanderer once again reaches for the keyboard to digitize reflections arising from the surrounding emptiness. This arose after reading a short translation of Namkhai Norbu’s clear wisdom. This brought temporary clarity to what has been an intermittent mystery in a life filled with suffering […]

BREAKING ESTABLISHED HABITS to enable Longevity and Healthspan

Neon sign reading "DISCOVERY" at night.

…by the ready, willing and able The dharma wanderer’s clinical research training in behavioral science has provided a foundation for single case design, as well as evaluation of published peer reviewed scientific research. This foundation has been helpful for digesting current information on extending longevity and healthspan. This expanding domain includes consideration of Assimilating such diverse new […]

Extending Longevity and Healthspan Through Four Pathways

Scrabble tiles spelling "GO FOR IT"

Technology advancements over the last two decades have enabled vastly more sophisticated research into cellular growth and metabolism. This has led to an increasingly louder buzz on social media as aging baby boomers contemplate their future longevity and healthspan. Healthspan refers to the period of life spent in good health, free from chronic disease and disabilities […]

Are you in the Game, or out of it?

Human silhouette highlighting internal anatomy and DNA.

introducing the longevity and healthspan experts – Sinclair, Greger and Attia Interested readers are encouraged to search for additional explanatory information on the content provided below via, and ChatGPT, as well as through other search engines. There are numerous experts in the longevity/healthspan field. Three of them stand out because of their best […]

An Emerging Paradigm for Longevity and Healthspan

Graph illustrating healthspan interventions over age.

…with gratitude for the emerging anti-aging paradigm As 2024 is birthed, the Dharma wanderer’s gratitude arises for the emerging anti-aging longevity and healthspan paradigm. This new paradigm has the potential to strategically augment the medical industry’s paradigm for what is typically called “prevention”. Prevention within the standard medical model is based on early diagnosis and […]