…using AI bots and information gathering for risk management CHOICES

May this information be helpful for those who are healthy and want to improve their longevity and healthspan, as well those who are troubled with ill health and persistent symptoms. ib
Consider the varied life sectors in the relative world that most beings have to deal with on a regular basis. These include finances, relationships, career, as well as illness and disease versus health, wellness and well-being. Information gathering on how to effectively cope with each of these arenas can be an opportunity for lifelong learning. This learning can beneficially evolve into a master class for living well.
Unfortunately, if there is little to no learning about how to live well, suffering becomes much more likely because of uninformed actions, faulty decisions and unhelpful habits. Despite voluminous research establishing a strong relationship between dietary choices and disease, most beings persist with harmful dietary choices that have developed over decades. The same is true for the importance of exercise to counteract a sedentary life style.
There appear to be multiple reasons for pervasive weight gain and the long term development of chronic disease. Health problems have been cultivated by commercial programming that promotes harmful dietary choices. These harmful choices may have become strong habits that are seldom examined by most beings. A sedentary lifestyle, persistent habits and faulty beliefs contribute to the increasing onset of disease conditions as aging unfolds.
There are helpful research-oriented AI bots such as perplexity.ai that can clarify better choices for diet and exercise. This information can be used to prevent the development of disease as well as mitigate the seriousness of various disease conditions that may have already developed.
A useful format for a helpful AI query to kick-start the information gathering process could be: “In the context of promoting longevity and healthspan, what food, nutraceutical, herb and exercise choices could be helpful for – – – – [list the symptom, issue or diagnosis]”
Considering AI’s helpful new development for improved information gathering, self-motivated beings are more likely to take a life changing dive into fresh evidence-based guidance for making better choices. But for the less well motivated, how to counteract fixed beliefs and persistent habits that are likely interfering with wiser choices?
There is a way to stimulate cracks in fixed beliefs and persistent habits that have been forged over decades. It is to take charge of one’s own reprogramming.
A combination of ancient spiritual disciplines and contemporary psychology has yielded an accessible method freely available for all. This powerful approach to self management and why it works is described in detail at ReadyForBetterMethod.com This introductory section to the R4B Method details why it is effective in two parts: one rational, the other metaphysical. Three stages for using this method are described: beginning [silent], intermediate [aloud] and advanced [verbal + visual].
Choosing Supplements

Dr. David Sinclair is a well regarded longevity/healthspan/genetics researcher and tenured professor at Harvard University. Youtube streaming recently revealed a helpful video on the supplements that Sinclair has been taking. It is noteworthy that both the dharma wanderer and his dancing dakini lifemate have been taking the same supplement stack, plus others as well. The duo’s personal results indicate they are experiencing increased energy, strength and endurance.
This is NOT a blanket recommendation for everyone. Each being should do their own research and make their own decisions about such matters. Perplexity.ai could become a helpful tool for that personal research to check out potential benefits and adverse effects for each supplement under consideration. The AI bot identifies the sources for its answers to queries, thereby enabling a deeper dive into relevant content.
Additionally, Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s curation of nutrition research suggests magnesium is another supplement that is worthy of consideration.
Risk Probability and Seriousness

The most common error many sentient beings make in the risk management space is confusing the likelihood/probability of a risk with the risk’s strategic severity/seriousness. The problem is that low probability risks are commonly disregarded even though they may be serious and severe if they occur. This fundamental error in risk management contributes to suffering for many beings. It is important to recognize serious risks that may appear to have a low probability should still be carefully managed.
Disease risks have vastly increased in pervasiveness. Conflicting arguments abound for the reasons. The likely causes range from increased frequency and sensitivity of diagnostic procedures to harmful stress, dysfunctional diets, inadequate exercise, and an increase in harmful plastics and biochemical pollutants in food, air and water.
The commercialization of medical practices arising from their acquisition and management by financially motivated investors has contributed to the deterioration in health and wellness of an aging population. Patients have historically been programmed by mass media to trust physician intentions and competence. Unfortunately the management, compensation bonuses and insurance payments to physicians have become more focused on commercial efficiency rather than patient health outcomes.
Risk Management: Prevention and Mitigation
Risk Management includes both prevention and mitigation. Preventive actions reduce the probability of a risk occurring in the future. Mitigation involves planned actions that are contingent on reducing the seriousness of a risk if it occurs.
Consider a recent example for extreme weather. A longer term preventive action for someone living on or near the coastline of Florida could involve moving to a safer location. Shorter term risk mitigation for the same Floridian could include having a fully complete “go-bag” packed, along with a full tank of gas for their primary vehicle. Tracking weather reports from NOAA and the weather channels could trigger a planned exit to a safer location before an inevitable traffic jam occurs.
Consider risk management for health, wellness and well-being. Regular cardiovascular exercise, strength/resistance training, a healthy nutritious diet and adequate sleep are fundamental components for preventing disease and extending longevity. Regular checkups by a primary care physician can include safe diagnostic procedures such as EKG, blood pressure and detailed blood work.
Considering the last decade of medical research available on pubmed.gov, blood draws should measure more than cholesterol and triglycerides. Blood tests should include more sophisticated lipofraction measurement of blood fats, such as LDL-P and sdLDL. These latter two measures are more sensitive predictors of cardiovascular risk.
Measurement of blood sugar should include more than fasting level glucose, which is a quite short term indicator of blood sugar. Measurement should also include measurement of HbAIC, which is a longer term measure of blood glucose.
Taking Action

Consider incorporating information gathered through personal research and diagnostic procedures into personal goal programming by using the R4B Method. This can lead to improved dietary choices and more regular exercise. The more frequently a health-related affirmation is repeated with movement, the more likely the motivated person is to take appropriate action.
Simply moving on a daily basis enables the body to improve its physical conditioning. A wide variety of evolving movements are possible, from walking slowly to walking briskly. This can evolve over time into a slow jog that can morph into a faster jog as conditioning improves. Exercise increases the number and health of energy producing cellular mitochondria. Eventually higher intensity intervals may become a possibility.
Getting healthier and stronger is not that difficult. It takes a little time to understand the key issues and gather information about possible actions to take. Accepting personal responsibility for one’s health and well-being rather than giving away personal agency to someone else is an important step. Using the R4B Method to program oneself to take effective action makes that action more likely. Additionally, goal/affirmation programming with movement has its own beneficial effects, including:
- growing new brain cells
- increasing focus/commitment
- learning from the consequences of decisions, and
- enhancing detection of clues for making progress.
May this information be helpful for those who are healthy and want to improve their longevity and healthspan, as well those who are troubled with ill health and persistent symptoms.