…theory and practice for HEALING EMOTIONAL SCAR TISSUE

Feet on the ground involves rational concerns about the relative world — that which can be seen, touched, tasted. How to practically do this or that, achieve this or that, solve this or that. This relies on the deterministic view derived from the Newtonian world of classical physics. It assumes time is linear, proceeding from the past through the present into the future. It assumes the material world is solid.

There is, however, another world as briefly discussed here and here. Call it the absoluteThis is the subatomic vibratory world of quantum physics. It is a world filled with energy fields that display what Einstein called “spooky action at a distance”, the world of quantum entanglement. This is the world of subatomic particle connectedness in which one particle’s changes instantaneously affect another particle’s behavior. This is the world of the double slit experiment in which quanta of light behave like waves until they are observed, at which time the wave function collapses into measurable particle behavior. Observation creates effects in the vibratory world of subatomic particles.

Consider for a moment the idea that intention operates in this empty world of apparent nothingness. This is the world the dharma wanderer has explored for almost a half century. In the early 1980’s he began doing a dive into Dr. John Lilly’s research. This included Lilly’s research report for the US Navy: Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer. A significant portion of Lilly’s research was conducted while deeply relaxed under the influence of LSD in a sensory isolation tank that he designed.

This led the dharma wanderer to wonder what would happen under the opposite conditions: no drugs and aerobic arousal. What would happen if his own intention was carefully formulated as an aerobic affirmation, then repeated rhythmically with the breath and aerobic movement. Many thousands of repetitions confirmed for him that aerobic affirmations have impact in the relative world. He reasoned that aerobically expressed intentions bounce back from the universal karmic mirror of empty space. It seemed to him the more powerfully that his intentions were expressed aerobically, the more readily they seemed to bounce back from empty space into his practical reality.

Aerobic movement is simply one approach to investigating this phenomenon. What about intense emotion? The more intensely negative emotions are experienced, the more likely these emotions will be reflected back into each being’s practical reality. The ancient Tibetan Buddhist paradigm indicates this is true for both positive and negative emotions.

When this fundamental principle is considered and applied in one’s life, metaphysical surprise arises. First a single instance, then another. Eventually a pattern emerges in the practitioner’s awareness. Intention that is reflected from the empty absolute world, communicates its message into the awareness of those who dare to wonder about such matters and pay attention. The karmic pattern of reflected intention, albeit subtle, becomes believable through the test of direct experience.

Success at manifestation feeds the ego, that aspect of being that needs, wants and desires. Be advised this need, want and desire can best be tempered by kindness, compassion and equanimityOtherwise, egoic striving inevitably generates personal suffering from attachment to the desired results that are manifested.

Now, consider a third domain. That of the human heart. Where love, nurturance, attachment and grief, as well as anger, hate and revenge reside. Fear, abuse, mistreatment, betrayal and assorted punishments create emotional scar tissue in the tender human heart.

While this can be carried to the grave by many, be advised this emotional scar tissue can be healed.

Healing of Emotional Scar Tissue

Emotional scar tissue and its unconscious binding of the human heart, in tandem with egoic striving, are major contributors to suffering. Consider that caring, nurturance and love are born in the human heart, but emotional scar tissue impedes the expression of these positive emotions. The healing process can be enabled by meditative reflection and intentional visualization. The pairing of these two practices, when combined with personal insights, can yield psychological fruit for the healing process.

The psychological fruit from meditative reflection and intentional visualization can enable dissolution of the human heart’s emotional scar tissue.

How might this be so? Recall that observation of subatomic particles affects their subsequent behavior. Consider that observation of thoughts and feelings during meditation can yield insights about the causes and conditions that have contributed to personal suffering. Recognizing those causes and conditions can lead to a variety of subsequent responses. These can range from forgiveness and atonement to purification and concentration of healing intention, all of which can contribute to the dissolution of suffering.

Consider that the negative energy that has historically driven abuse, punishment and mistreatment has also arisen from its own causes and conditions. The suffering of humanity has been pervasive. There seem to be unending streams of causes and conditions that have been forever contributing to suffering.

Personal suffering creates held breath, puckered orifices and blockage of energy flow throughout the body. This can be tightly held in the body until the end of one’s days unless it is dissolved and released. But how to accomplish this?

How to Dissolve Negative Emotions

Meditation cultivates mindful awareness of thoughts, feelings and the breath. Mindful breathing builds awareness of how the breath is functioning. Flowing or blocked. Shallow or deep. Noticing a particular breath momentarily interrupts the flow of thoughts. Noticing held breath enables a moment of relaxation and release.

Mindful breathing and the momentary cessation of thoughts is a fundamental beginning to the healing process.

As breath awareness deepens, it becomes more possible to notice and differentiate healthy and unhealthy thought patterns as they arise and disappear. Healthy thought patterns tend to enable the planning and execution of practical solutions in the material world, unbound by negative emotions. Unhealthy thought patterns tend to strengthen negative emotions of fear, anger, hate and revenge.

Healthy thought patterns can also enable insights about the causes and conditions contributing to personal suffering. These insights can liberate negative memories as well as fears about the future. As negative memories and fears about the future are liberated, so also can emotional scar tissue be healed, bit by bit. This healing enables an increased energetic flow of caring, nurturance and love.

Use the breath and visualization to dissolve negative emotions

When negative feelings of fear, anger, hate and revenge arise there is a specific technique that can initiate their dissolution. This involves the breath and visualization. When awareness of the negative feeling arises, a deep inhale followed by an extended exhalation is one component of the practice. Pairing this with visualization is a second component of the practice.

Negative emotions can be felt in the torso as held breath, a tightness in the abdominal core, a puckered orifice, or a tightness in the heart area. This can be visually represented in awareness by imagining the torso permeated by a dark grayness. This dark grayness can be visually grounded out in a downward direction through the root chakra and feet into the earth.

To dissolve negative emotions when they arise, inhale deeply and visualize white or blue light entering the body from above, penetrating the chest area and expanding throughout the torso. Imagine this white or blue light dissolving the dark gray light of negative emotion and sending it out of the body into the earth on multiple extended exhalations.

Visualize this repeatedly until the torso’s dark gray light has completely dissolved and the negative emotion has subsided. This enables the negative emotion to be replaced by cleansing white or loving blue light, as described below. The repetition of this practice yields a variety of worthwhile benefits, including an enlarged space in consciousness for the experience of positive emotions to arise both spontaneously and intentionally.

Radiate Positive Emotions

When positive feelings arise spontaneously, use a deep inhale to savor the moment. A subsequent extended exhalation enables the positive feeling to be visually and kinesthetically radiated up and out of the body into the invisible world of empty space.

This practice can be expanded and deepened by identifying memory triggers of delightful and loving moments. Recalling those memory triggers enables the intentional radiation of loving vibrations into empty space.

The more negative emotions are dissolved and positive emotions are expressed, the greater is the healing of emotional scar tissue. This can be verified by direct experience.

This practice enables authentic love, caring and nurturance to be more easily and frequently expressed within the vibratory universe, thereby contributing to the dissolution of humanity’s suffering.

Exhaling positive emotions and radiating them up and out of the body into empty space is a powerful practice. The benefits of this practice cannot be overestimated.

May all who read these words use these practices for their own benefit as well as the benefit of all beings and the world.

