Primordial Wisdom
… methods for enhancing the knowing of when and what to do and be

Photograph taken by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash
This post clarifies the benefits of the R4B Method for accelerating progress toward each being’s most cherished goals and purpose. It offers a variety of methods for accelerating awareness of primordial wisdom — knowing what and when to do and how to be in the relative world.
For more than half a century the dharma wanderer has been exploring and refining meditative practices that have beneficial effects on consciousness and direct experience. He consolidated his learning from this exploration into the ReadyForBetterMethod [R4B] when he spent ~$10k with a talented web designer over six months to establish a free, no ad, non-commercial website. The purpose of this website has been to share useful information about practices that have brought the dharma wanderer demonstrable benefit and have been validated by direct experience. This free sharing continues via substack posts at IB Reflections. These are eventually reposted under the articles section of the R4B website.
Generic benefits of the R4B method include enhancement of one-pointed concentration and cultivation of empty awareness. Self management of these two aspects of consciousness enables moments of primordial wisdom to arise. This wisdom awareness enables a more flowing journey in each practitioner’s unfolding life.
What may have been previously thought to be fate or a random occurrence can morph into a hypothesis, such as, “when I thought, felt or did ABC, did that somehow contribute to XYZ?”
The R4B method is described in four distinct stages to enable systematic progress for an ongoing refinement of consciousness. The stages are sequentially designed to accomplish a dissolution of suffering and an increase in well-being.
Detailed explanation of the first three stages is provided separately in these links:
[ basic, | intermediate, | advanced ]. These three stages develop foundational cognitive skills that enhance one-pointed concentration and mindful awareness. The fourth stage, mastery, provides meditative guidance more deeply drawn from ancient spiritual disciplines and blended with contemporary psychology.
Basic Stage
An aspirational goal/affirmation/mantra/prayer is carefully formulated in the Basic Stage and repeated silently in rhythm with breath, in rhythm with movement. Newbies to this approach are strongly encouraged to carefully examine and follow the recommendations in this section of the website. This is because whatever is intentionally repeated in consciousness may trigger internal conflict with prior historical programming from parents, school, media or culture. If that occurs, the conflict can be targeted with a more precise brain/mind input until the internal conflict or discomfort is resolved.
Emotional trauma, abuse, painful injuries and illness, as well as other intense negative memories can create emotional scar tissue. A previous post specifically explained theory and practices for healing emotional scar tissue. It will be useful to dissolve residual emotional scar tissue before proceeding to the intermediate stage of aspirational programming. This is quite important because the next stage involves repeating the aspiration aloud, which accelerates whatever is unfolding.
The R4B method is effective because it enables internal improvements in focus, commitment and awareness, all of which enhance strategic learning. The method also yields unexpected increases in serendipity and synchronicity, as well as an acceleration of progress.
Intermediate Stage
Shifting from silent to oral repetition of a carefully formulated aspirational goal/affirmation/mantra/prayer has the demonstrable effect of accelerating progress in the Intermediate Stage. Why might this be so? From a materialist brain/mind perspective, speaking and hearing the aspirational words aloud has the effect of heightening practitioner awareness of hints, clues, signs and signals that provide guidance for a practitioner’s continuously unfolding journey.
But where does this guidance come from? Does it arise internally because awareness is baked into our being? Or does it arise from an external source that has been present for eons? Could both internal awareness and external guidance be operative? If so, what practices might facilitate their alignment?
Consider the view this guidance has been available throughout the history of humanity. Indigenous and contemporary wisdom traditions recognize such guidance and encourage a wide variety of practices that enable awareness of it.
Ancient Tibetan Buddhist texts indicate primordial wisdom is a “fundamental concept that refers to the innate, awakened nature of mind that is present in all beings… [Meditative] practices related to primordial wisdom are not about gaining something new, but about uncovering or recognizing what has always been present.”
Classic Tibetan Buddhism differentiates between relative reality and the absolute. The relative world is that which is typically considered to be the solid reality that we can see, taste and touch. The absolute is the empty ever-present all encompassing space within which the relative world arises. Experiencing moments of the absolute is to experience moments of nonduality. In such moments, there is no separation between “me” and “all else”. The self is momentarily dissolved into the direct experience of pure awareness.
Consider that primordial wisdom arises from the absolute and can enter the relative world as a noteworthy moment of guidance. This can be experienced as a moment of knowing what and when to do and how to be. These moments can be recognized as hints, clues, signs and signals that arise in awareness. When recognized and followed, beneficial results arise. These become memorable moments that contribute to the unfolding of each practitioner’s life journey.
Consider the chaotic violent history and current status of human society. If primordial wisdom and guidance are universally available, why have they not more consistently been recognized or followed? The dharma paradigm indicates this so because of obscurations in thoughts, feelings and behavior that interfere with awareness and the recognition of guidance. These obscurations include fear, anxiety, anger, revenge, greed, attachment and ignorance.
A variety of methods can be used to dissolve these obscurations:
Consider engaging in purification practices that can cleanse negative actions and obscurations. A helpful sequence can include: confession aloud to oneself; expressing regret aloud; making a resolution aloud to avoid similar negative actions in the future; and taking corrective action.
For examples of strategic affirmations, plus a variety of meditative methods to counteract anxiety and fear, see this post.
To clarify strategic intention, challenge limiting beliefs and explore a variety of practices to align with the “four immeasurables” of the dharma, see this post.
To dissolve negative emotions and radiate positive emotions, see this post
It is worthwhile to develop confidence that beneficent guidance is available. This confidence can be enhanced by recognizing spontaneous moments of guidance that have previously arisen in awareness and then been followed for beneficial results.
Practice suggestion for cultivating primordial wisdom:
Sit still, close eyes, observe breath, as thoughts arise, return focus on breath. Take a few slow deep inhales and slow lonnnnng exhales to achieve a deeper state of relaxation. Then give yourself ample time to reflect, after silent and aloud self inquiry:-
what are examples of memorable moments in my life when I received unexpected guidance arising in my awareness? …
Connect these examples into a thread of memorable moments. Consider recording orally or in writing a few key words that represent the memorable moment in this thread …
Make this record a noteworthy instance of recognizing the presence of primordial wisdom in your life. Be alert and aware for recognizing primordial wisdom as your life journey unfolds …
Cherish, savor and reflect on these memorable moments. Consider this question: What do these memorable moments reveal about who you are and why you are here in this precious human life?
Recognize that practitioners can dissolve the veils obscuring primordial wisdom by using the above practices. The enhancement of primordial wisdom will ultimately lead to the realization of each practitioner’s true nature, which is pure awareness.
The awareness of primordial wisdom enables alignment with the dharma and enhances the dissolution of suffering with a corresponding enhancement of well-being.
May all who read this post be willing to explore these practices for their own benefit and the benefit of those they love and care about. May this benefit spread to all beings and the world.
A future post may explore the source(s) of primordial wisdom. If so, it will likely challenge more than a few belief systems.