Self Inquiry, Movement, Emptiness and Ahhh

A road going through the night sky with lights

Self Inquiry, Movement, Emptiness and Ahhh useful tools for reducing suffering and transforming consciousness Fundamental characteristics of nature include the arising of needs, wants, wishes and hopes during one’s life journey. Consider the possibility, briefly suggested in theprevious article, that each individual’s journey presents a variety of levels in a mysterious Game of Life. Progress […]

Commitment to being (a player) in the Game of Life

A woman sitting on the beach in front of the ocean.

Commitment to being (a player) in the Game of Life unlocking the potential for kindness, compassion and wisdom Parents, school, religion and culture imbue young people with dim understandings of what life is all about. There may be little clarity for answers to fundamental questions about the journey from birth to death of the body, […]

Suffering and the dissolution of suffering

A person sitting on the ground in front of water.

choosing practices to test through direct experience
There may arise in one’s life journey a gradual or even abrupt shift from suffering into a long and winding growth process for the dissolution of suffering. They who wonder about such matters find answers ranging from religion to metaphysics to contemporary psychology. Inexplicable mystery can often persist when techniques and practices are put to the test of direct experience. Clues to the mystery can arise during the arduous trek from a struggling ego of I/me/mine to glimpses of a deeper understanding into one’s life journey.

Another Beginning – Emerging from a long and winding journey

A woman is walking in the grass on top of a hill.

Another Beginning… from I/me/myself to personal insights that arise in the present moment Emerging from a long and winding journey The learner embedded within this physical vehicle called a body has been touch typing since age ten. That journey began when his journalist father put a self-instructional book beside a heavy 1923 cast iron Underwood […]

Accomplish Your Emotional Re-Set During Lockdown

A man walking on top of a hill next to another person.

Accelerating the Unfolding As the Coronavirus crisis deepens, many businesses and venues are closed. An increasing number of people are bored, restless, anxious, afraid and suffering. This creates an opportunity for a re-set. We can re-set our body, mind and spirit even though we may be squirming amidst the unprecedented uncertainty of our dynamically changing […]

An Open Letter to the SVHS Class of 1964 Reunion Committee [and anyone else who is still alive from our own and other graduating classes]:

Susan Casaday Stutts, Lynne Epsman Cohen, Paul Friedman, Jr., Nancy Hesse Benson, Virginia Kelser Jones, Carleton Lackey Sokol, Laide Long Karpeles, Carolyn McDavid Ray, Suzy Ovson, Susan Owens Canedy, Elna Riley Brendel, Kenny Rosenberger, Walter Schor, Mary Ruth Sevier Caldwell, Donna Strickland Himes, Ann Sullivan, John “Tiger” Timmons,Suzanne Trimm Payne Better Health & Healing, Wellness […]

Irv Beiman: Susan Estrich Should Know Bernie Sanders’ Support Is Coming from Everywhere

A purple and black poster with the words ready better method

Ina recent commentary, columnistSusan Estrichremarked that she didn’t “understand where the continued support for (Bernie) Sandersis coming from.” I offer below my strategic view of that issue. Irv Beiman First, consider that Sanders has stated during the Democratic presidential debates that climate change is our greatest national security threat. As a recently retired behavioral scientist, […]

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